
Why we’re not happy about being asked to cover up

Why we’re not happy about being asked to cover up

We expected to attract a few smiles and comments on our ‘nipple-vision’ video, with its cheeky look at the world from a baby’s point of view. But we didn’t expect to be asked to cover up.

The video shows every day life through a baby’s eyes, where anything and everything resembles mum’s breast, from cakes to a hat and even a couple of sausage rolls. But there are no real nipples in our video. Apart from the ones in a classical painting. Which facebook asked us to remove to meet their advertising guidelines around ‘nudity and sexual content’.

While our video is a bit of fun, these guidelines are also preventing images of mums breastfeeding being posted and shared. And that’s attracting a backlash from bloggers, campaigners and parents who are angry that images of breastfeeding, which is an entirely natural activity are banned because it’s unfairly categorised alongside sexual content.

This is a setback for every mum who has ever been made to feel uncomfortable about breastfeeding, as the more we see this natural activity in real life or social media, the more ‘normal’ it becomes. And the more confident mums everywhere can be about doing what comes naturally.
